Teesside Offshore Wind Farm

We have held the role of Consents and Environmental Manager on behalf of EDF for this project since 2009, ensuring consents and environmental compliance during and post construction. Specific experience relevant to this scope of work includes:
- Securing new planning permission for onshore substation and cable route due to design changes proposed by construction contractor.
- Management of all onshore and intertidal land agreements in place for the project.
- Preparing an application and supporting information to secure consent from Natural England under the Wildlife and Countryside Act to undertake geotechnical investigations and UXO survey in an intertidal area designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Protection Area (SPA).
- Securing consent (Marine Licences and Port Works Licences) for offshore and intertidal geotechnical sampling campaigns, the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) plan building and pontoon, and the marine licence for certain O&M activities.
- Discharge of conditions for all consents and key point of contact with the MMO and Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.
- The provision of pre-, during and post-construction environmental management processes through the delivery of management plans (Environmental Management Plan, Waste Management Plan, Marine Pollution Contingency Plan) and site audit.
- Review of risk assessments and method statements to ensure compliance with consents and environmental legislation
- Marine pollution contingency planning exercises.
- The scoping and management of all construction and post-construction environmental monitoring and the provision of summary reporting to the MMO.
- Management of stakeholder engagement from pre-construction through to post-construction including the development of the TWL Stakeholder Engagement & Management Plan.