CEA has broad experience of providing environmental management services in the run up to construction through to full operation of terrestrial, coastal and offshore developments. We can provide a wide range of robust documentation with a proven track record of securing consent discharge expediently to ensure that projects can proceed to planned timescales. and services and have various template documents that have been well received. This enables us to work efficiently; secure discharge of conditions as quickly as possible and effectively ensure and track compliance. In addition to general environmental project management services, we typically provide with the following documentation:
- Construction Environmental Management Plans in line with consent requirements and relevant legislation (to your project and to your region in the UK)
- Construction Codes of Practice
- Marine Pollution Contingency Plans
- Waste Management Plans
- Traffic Management Plans
- Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocols
- Archaeological Written Schemes of Investigation and Finds Reporting Protocols
- Shadow Flicker Management Plans
- Ecological Management Plans
- Legislation Registers
Environmental Monitoring Plans and Survey methodologies
We are also able to review contractor documentation in line with consents and legislative requirements to ensure their fitness for purpose and for submission to the regulators.
- Environmental Management Systems
On several onshore and offshore projects, we have worked closely with construction project management teams and contractors to ensure consents and compliance issues are kept off the critical path and the highest environmental and sustainable outcomes are achieved throughout a project.
CEA can offer members of staff that are fully qualified Lead Environmental Auditors and can undertake site visits to ensure that the environmental management plans and procedures established by a project are being adhered to in order to provide a level of assurance that standards are met.
CEA also provides the development and implementation of Environmental Management Systems to ISO14001:2015.